Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocalypse Subaru 2

2.3.2011002, originally uploaded by Chiara and James Hemsley.

Here's the Subaru after James and some neighbors spent and hour or so cleaning it off and shoveling the snow out from behind/around it.

You know you've had a blizzard when there are about 6 inches of fresh snow UNDER your vehicle!

Here are some other funny names I heard on Facebook for the blizzard: Blizzaster, Snowmageddon, Snowkidding, and my favorite (after Snowpocalypse): SnowbodyknowsthetroubleI'veseen.


Vinnie and Maria said...

So glad you found the car again. How did you pick out the right snow hill to excavate?

Unknown said...

Snow, Snowy, Snowier, Snowiest, Snowfinity!!