Monday, June 3, 2013


May 2013 033, originally uploaded by Chiara and James Hemsley.

Norah graduated from Asilo last week...though they don't stop school until the end of June! That really confused a lot of the kids who thought that they would never go back to school after the graduation. Anyway, it was amazing to see how far Norah has come since January. In January, she was shy and didn't speak a lick of Italian. Now, she is starting to speak in sentences and talks with her friends and teacher at school! Our friend Amanda had told us about the "silent period" in language learning, where the child seems not to be making any progress, and then all of a sudden busts out with words and phrases seemingly out of nowhere. This has definitely been our experience with Norah! And, when Luca starts school in September, I know he will do the same thing!

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