Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jesus on the Cross

Feb22_2012008, originally uploaded by Chiara and James Hemsley.

Since dinner this evening, Norah has been saying that she wanted to draw Jesus on the cross for me. We went swimming, came home, had a snack, and needed to take a shower, but she wouldn't drop it, so I gave her a piece of "plain white paper" and she went to work.

Here is her picture. You can see Jesus on the cross. He has his crown of thorns on, and there is "blood on his hands and feet."

I asked Norah why she wanted to draw Jesus today, and she looked at me and said, "Because He died on the Cross for OUR sins, Mommy!"

She added flowers near the cross, and told me that they were there so "no one could rescue him off the cross before he died."

Last year at Easter, Norah had a morbid fascination with the Easter story. She would ask James and I to tell her the story over and over, and if we tried to gloss it over in any way, she would stop us and make us tell her the part where Jesus died. I think she was working it all out in her head. This year, I think we are in for more of the same!

She wrote the "To Mom" all by herself with no help or spelling from me!


Alessia and Jim said...

I can't believe she spelled "to mom" by herself! That's awesome!

Also- I love the quote on the side about how her pictures are so beautiful they make her eyes hurt- your daughter certainly does not have any issues with self-esteem! that made me laugh!

Sandra said...

As a child I too had a fascination with Jesus dying on the Cross. My grandma never missed an opportunity to tell us the story including all the details. One of my earliest memories in going to the big Basilica on Good Friday 3pm. The basilica was dark, there was a big crucifix laying in the main isle and, as we went to our seat we would stop and kiss each of Jesus wounds.I can still see it. Then at exactly 3pm there was a huge sound of thunder and the main curtain over the altar would fall and cover the altar. That was powerful!!!

Franrod said...

she is desensitizing herself in order to prepare for a future of iron-fisted leadership positions...

or not; either way, i hope when i have a kid it recounts biblical bloodshed with the same enthusiasm as norah.