Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Did you know?

A few recent conversations:

James: "Norah, your hair is getting so long!"
Norah (in a serious tone): "Well, I guess you should start calling me Rapunzel."

Norah: "Mom, do you know what God's last name is?"
Me: "No, what is it?"
Norah: "Jesus!"

Me: "Norah, you should put your unicorn away with your ponies."
Norah (frustratedly): "Mom, it's NOT a pony. See, it has a poke."
[I think she meant to say "a horn" but I didn't correct her!]

You will notice that she has started calling me mom, like she's a teenager! I still get "Mommy" from time to time, but she is phasing it out in favor of the much less endearing: "mom."

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